Monday, February 27, 2017

Blogging via Stackedit

How to

Add this to the top of the document:

layout: post
title: Blogging via Stackedit
tags: stackedit, reallycoolstuff, ingenious


Choose format to be HTML


This is just a test to try out blogging in Markdown via Stackedit!
Let’s try some code:

def test():
    for x in range(1000):
        print x 

Written with StackEdit.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Installing Kali Linux Nethunter on Nexus 7 (2013 Wifi)

To install Nethunter on the Nexus 7 (Wifi 2013) edition we first need to unlock the bootloader of the device and root it. There are many guides on the Internet on how to do this, but the best source I have found so far is the Offensive Secuirty Github repository:

This repository contains a collection of scripts that help you install Kali Linux Nethunter on either a Nexus or OnePlusOne device. Their instructions are straightforward and their scripts are close to fully automated and work very well. It does require that you download a few things before using the scripts, but there are links that help you along.
The major advantage of these scripts over some other tools that I found is that they can run from Linux or OS X. First we must install Android Studio (or just binaries) to get ADB and fastboot. Next we must download and place the following into their respective folders in the cloned repo:

  • Stock Android image 
  • Team Win Root Project (TWRP)
  • SuperSU binary by ChainFire
    • (this is the most shady part. I chose this as it was the only one that worker at the time)
  • Kali Nethunter image

Once these are in place we can go ahead and unlock the bootloader if it isn't already unlocked. Just run the script ./

Next we flash the stock Android image to have a clean device to install to. After installing, booting, setting up the device (manually),  we can run the script that installs the Custom Recovery from TWRP, sets up the SuperSU binary to maintain root and installs Kali Linux Nethunter. 

The last step requires us to select some things we want included in Kali Linux Nethunter, and then the intallation proceeds.

If everything was successful we will have a working Nethunter device and we can go hack. Happy hacking.